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Pull-based document ingestion with Apache Kafka

When run in a distributed mode, Nixiesearch can pull documents for indexing from an Apache Kafka topic:

  • Kafka can be used as a journal for CDC-style events: every time a document changes in your master database, an event is emitted with an updated document.
  • To preserve infinitely-growing topics, you can use Compacted Topics to prune stale document records.


As for Nixiesearch v0.1, only Apache Kafka and S3/local files are supported for pull-based indexing. We have Apache Pulsar (see issue nixiesearch#190) and AWS Kinesis (see issue nixiesearch#207) on the roadmap.


All Kafka-specific connector options should be passed as command-line flags to the nixiesearch index kafka subcommand:

  -b, --brokers  <arg>    Kafka brokers endpoints, comma-separated list
  -c, --config  <arg>     Path to a config file
  -g, --group_id  <arg>   groupId identifier of consumer. default=nixiesearch
  -i, --index  <arg>      to which index to write to
  -l, --loglevel  <arg>   Logging level: debug/info/warn/error, default=info
  -o, --offset  <arg>     which topic offset to use for initial connection?
                          default=none (use committed offsets)
      --options  <arg>    comma-separated list of kafka client custom options
  -t, --topic  <arg>      Kafka topic name
  -h, --help              Show help message

brokers, index and topic options are required.

The following options are optional: * group_id: a name of consumer group. * offset: a time window in which events are read: * earliest - start from the first stored message in the topic * latest - consume only events that came recently (after Metarank connection) * ts=<timestamp> - start from a specific absolute timestamp in the past * last=<duration> - consume only events that happened within a defined relative duration (duration supports the following patterns: 1s, 1m, 1h, 1d) * options: a comma-separated list of custom connector options: * example: --options key1=value1,key2=value2