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Autocomplete suggestions API

Suggestion index configuration

You need to explicitly define a suggest flag for a field in index mapping to be able to query for suggestions. Nixie supports two flavors of syntax definitions for suggestions:

  • short one: only suggest: true using all default settings,
  • long syntax: more verbose, but all settings are exposed.

Example of a short syntax:

      type: text
      search: lexical
      suggest: true

With longer suggestion syntax you have access to all the internal options:

      type: text
      search: lexical
        lowercase: false # should we down-case all suggestions?
          min-terms: 1
          max-terms: 3

Suggest parameters are defined as follows:

  • lowercase: optional, should we downcase all strings?, default false
  • expand: optional, list of suggestion candidate expansion settings
  • expand.min-terms: optional, lower length of rolling window expansions, default 1
  • expand.max-terms: optional, higher length of rolling window expansions, default 3

Sending suggestion requests

Suggest indices have a special _suggest endpoint you can use for autocomplete suggestion generation:

curl -XPOST -d '{"query": "hel", "fields":["title"]}' http://localhost:8080/<index-name>/_suggest

A full suggest request JSON format:

  "query": "hu",
  "fields": ["title"],
  "count": 10,
  "rerank": {
    "rrf": {
      "depth": 50,
      "scale": 60

Where request fields are defined in the following way:

  • query: required, string. A suggestion search query.
  • fields: required, string[]. Fields to use for suggestion generation.
  • count: optional, int, default=10. The number of top-level suggestions to generate.
  • rerank: optional, obj, default="rrf". Suggestion ranking method, see section on RRF below for more details.

The request above emits the following response:

  "suggestions": [
    {"text": "hugo", "score": 2.0},
    {"text": "hugo boss", "score": 1.0},
    {"text": "hugo boss red", "score": 1.0}
  "took": 11

Reranking configuration

Suggestion request can include a single reranking processor step:

  • Reciprocal Rank Fusion (RRF) reranking.
  • (Planned in v0.2) Learn-to-Rank suggestions.

Reciprocal Rank Fusion configuration block has the following options:

  • rerank.rrf.depth: How many suggestion candidates should be generated before reranking. Having more might affect latency, but increase precision. Optional, int, default=50.
  • rerank.rrf.scale: An RRF constant scaling factor, importance of top vs bottom candidate position on the final ranking. Optional, int, default=60.

Suggestions are generated separately per each field, and then reduced together with Reciprocal Rank Fusion (RRF). A pseudocode example from Elasticsearch docs about RRF describes the algorithm well:

score = 0.0
for q in queries:
    if d in result(q):
        score += 1.0 / ( k + rank( result(q), d ) )
return score

# where
# k is a ranking constant
# q is a query in the set of queries
# d is a document in the result set of q
# result(q) is the result set of q
# rank( result(q), d ) is d's rank within the result(q) starting from 1

Some important considerations regarding RRF ranking:

  • Suggestions are fused into a single ranking in a case-insensitive way, so hello and Hello are considered equal.
  • Suggestion candidates are not lowercased, Nixie preserves a case of the most highly ranked suggestion, and other variations are linked to it.
  • By default we use scale constant for RRF as 60 to match Elasticsearch implementation.