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Facet aggregations

Facet aggregation counters can help in building a filter-based faceted search, when for a single search query you get not only search results, but also all possible filter values, sorted by the number of matching documents:

  "query": {"match": {"title": "socks"}},
  "aggs": {
    "colors": {"term": {"field": "color"}}

A sample query with an aggregation over a color field above, will result in the following response with all the possible colors in matching documents:

  "hits": ["<doc1>", "<doc2>", "..."],
  "aggs": {
    "colors": {
      "buckets": {
        "red": 10,
        "green": 5,
        "blue": 1

The JSON schema for the aggregation field is:

  "aggs": {
    "<aggregation_name_1>": {
      "<aggregation_type": { "...": "..." }
    "<aggregation_name_2>": {
      "<aggregation_type": { "...": "..." }

Single request can contain multiple aggregations as long as they have unique names.

Nixiesearch currently supports the following types of facet aggregations:

  • Term facet counters with a number of documents matching each distinct filter value.
  • Range counters to number the amount of documents within each defined range.

Term aggregations

A term facet aggregation scans over all values of a specific text, long, int, float, double, date, datetime field of matching documents, and builds a list of top-N values:

  "aggs": {
    "count_colors": {
      "term": {
        "field": "color",
        "size": 10

Term aggregation has the following parameters:

  • field: required, string, over which field to aggregate over. The field must be marked as facet: true in the index mapping.
  • size: optional, integer or "all", how many top values to collect, default: 10. A special "all" value is a substitute for Integer.MAX_VALUE - useful when you need to receive all values.

Term aggregation response has a list of N buckets and counters, sorted from most to least popular:

  "hits": ["<doc1>", "<doc2>", "..."],
  "aggs": {
    "count_colors": {
      "buckets": {
        "red": 10,
        "green": 5,
        "blue": 1


Computing term facet aggregations requires creating an internal Lucene DocValues field, which has to be kept in RAM for the best performance. Try to minimize the amount of faceted fields to keep RAM usage low.

Range aggregations

Range aggregation scans over all values of a specific numerical field for matching documents, and builds a list of top-N ranges:

  "aggs": {
    "count_prices": {
      "range": {
        "field": "price",
        "ranges": [
          {"lt": 10},
          {"gte": 10, "lt": 100},
          {"gte": 100}

Range facet aggregation has the following parameters:

  • field: required, string. A field to compute range aggregation. Should be marked as facet: true in index mapping and had the type of int/float/double/long/date/datetime
  • ranges, required, non-empty list.
  •, optional, number. Less Than. An end of the range, not inclusive.
  • ranges.lte, optional, number. Less Than or Equals. An end of the range, inclusive.
  •, optional, number. Greater Than. A start of the range, not inclusive.
  • ranges.gte, optional, number. Greater Than or Equals. A start of the range, inclusive.

A single range must have at least one gt/gte/lt/lte field.

Range facet aggregation response keeps the same ranges as in request, but adds a count field to each of them:

  "hits": ["<doc1>", "<doc2>", "..."],
  "aggs": {
    "count_prices": {
      "buckets": [
        {"lt": 10, "count": 10},
        {"gte": 10, "lt": 100, "count": 4},
        {"gte": 5, "count": 2}