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Filters allow you to search over a subset of documents based on a set of predicates. Compared to traditional Lucene-based search engines, Nixiesearch filters are defined separately from the text query and do not affect ranking:

  "query": { "match": { "title": "socks"}},
  "filters": {
    "include": {
      "term": { "size": "XXL" }
    "exclude": {
      "range": { "price": {"gte": 100}}

filters can include and exclude documents based on multiple types of filters:

  • term for text predicates: match only documents where color=red
  • range for numerical ranges: match documents with price>100
  • and/or/not for combining multiple filters into a single boolean expression.

To perform filtered queries over a field, you should define the field as filter: true in index mapping. Nixiesearch will emit a warning if you relentlessly try to filter over a non-filterable field.

Term filters

Term predicate can be defined as a simple JSON key-value pair, where key is a field name, and value is a predicate:

  "query": { "match_all": {}},
  "filters": {
    "include": {
      "term": {
        "<field_name>": "<field_value>"


A simple term filter works only with a single field and a single value. If you want to filter over multiple fields and multiple values, use a boolean filter to combine them together in a single expression.

Term filters currently support the following field types: int, long, date, datetime, string, boolean. For example, filtering over a boolean field called active can be done with the following query:

  "query": { "match_all": {}},
  "filters": {
    "include": {
      "term": {
        "active": true

Range filters

Range filters allow defining open and closed ranges for numeric fields of types [int, long, double, float, date, datetime] to pre-select documents for search:

  "query": { "match_all": {}},
  "filters": {
    "include": {
      "range": {
        "<field_name>": { "gte": 100.0, "lte": 1000.0 }

Range filter takes following arguments:

  • <field_name> a numeric field marked as filter: true in the index mapping
  • gt/gte: Greater Than (or Equals), optional field
  • lt/lte: Less Than (or Equals), optional field.

There must be at least one gt/gte/lt/lte field present in the filter.

Boolean filters

You can combine multiple basic range and term filters together into a more complicated boolean expression using and, or and not filter types from the boolean family. Each of these filter types takes a list of other filters as an argument:

  "query": {"match_all": {}},
  "filters": {
    "include": {
      "and": [ "<filter 1>", "<filter 2>", "..." ]

For example, to match documents with multiple field values at once, you can define the following query:

  "query": { "match_all": {}},
  "filters": {
    "include": {
      "or": [
        { "term": { "color": "red" }},
        { "term": { "color": "green"}}

Nesting of boolean filters is also possible:

  "query": { "match_all": {}},
  "filters": {
    "include": {
      "and": [
        {"range": { "price": {"gte": 100}}},
          "or": [
            {"term": {"color": "red"}},
            {"term": {"color": "green"}}

Geolocation filters

With a geopoint datatype, you can filter by a geo_distance and geo_box predicates.

Distance filters

With a distance query, you can include/exclude documents being within a distance from a point. Query example:

  "query": { "match_all": {}},
  "filters": {
    "include": {
      "geo_distance": {
        "field": "<field_name>",
        "lat": 1.0,
        "lon": 2.0,
        "distance": "1 km"

Following distance units are supported:

  • Millimeters: mm, millimeters, millimeter
  • Centimeters: cm, centimeters, centimeter
  • Meters: m, meter, meters
  • Kilometers: km, kilometer, kilometers
  • Inches: in, inch, inches
  • Feet: ft, foot, feet
  • Yards: yd, yard, yards
  • Miles: mi, mile, miles

Bounding box filters

With a bounding box query, you can include documents laying within a specific rectangle.

  "query": { "match_all": {}},
  "filters": {
    "include": {
      "geo_box": {
        "field": "<field_name>",
        "top_left": {"lat": 1.0, "lon": 2.0},
        "bottom_right": {"lat": 3.0, "lon": 4.0}

Nixiesearch relies on Lucene logic to handle filter execution:

  • for lexical search include/exclude filters are fused together into a single Lucene query, doing filtering and ranking in a single pass.
  • for semantic search filter behavior is selected at run-time based on filter coverage estimation.

Narrow filters (e.g. selecting only small amount of documents) are defined as pre-filters and executed before the query. Wide filters (e.g. selecting a lot of documents) are executed as post-filters after the main search query. This adaptive behavior is made for performance reasons.