Filters allow you to search over a subset of documents based on a set of predicates. Compared to traditional Lucene-based search engines, Nixiesearch filters are defined separately from the text query and do not affect ranking:
"query": { "match": { "title": "socks"}},
"filters": {
"include": {
"term": { "size": "XXL" }
"exclude": {
"range": { "price": {"gte": 100}}
can include
and exclude
documents based on multiple types of filters:
for text predicates: match only documents wherecolor=red
for numerical ranges: match documents withprice>100
for combining multiple filters into a single boolean expression.
To perform filtered queries over a field, you should define the field as
filter: true
in index mapping. Nixiesearch will emit a warning if you relentlessly try to filter over a non-filterable field.
Term filters¶
Term predicate can be defined as a simple JSON key-value pair, where key is a field name, and value is a predicate:
"query": { "match_all": {}},
"filters": {
"include": {
"term": {
"<field_name>": "<field_value>"
A simple term filter works only with a single field and a single value. If you want to filter over multiple fields and multiple values, use a boolean filter to combine them together in a single expression.
Term filters currently support the following field types: int
, long
, date
, datetime
, string
, boolean
. For example, filtering over a boolean field called active
can be done with the following query:
"query": { "match_all": {}},
"filters": {
"include": {
"term": {
"active": true
Range filters¶
Range filters allow defining open and closed ranges for numeric fields of types [int, long, double, float, date, datetime]
to pre-select documents for search:
"query": { "match_all": {}},
"filters": {
"include": {
"range": {
"<field_name>": { "gte": 100.0, "lte": 1000.0 }
Range filter takes following arguments:
a numeric field marked asfilter: true
in the index mappinggt
: Greater Than (or Equals), optional fieldlt
: Less Than (or Equals), optional field.
There must be at least one gt
field present in the filter.
Boolean filters¶
You can combine multiple basic range and term filters together into a more complicated boolean expression using and
, or
and not
filter types from the boolean family. Each of these filter types takes a list of other filters as an argument:
"query": {"match_all": {}},
"filters": {
"include": {
"and": [ "<filter 1>", "<filter 2>", "..." ]
For example, to match documents with multiple field values at once, you can define the following query:
"query": { "match_all": {}},
"filters": {
"include": {
"or": [
{ "term": { "color": "red" }},
{ "term": { "color": "green"}}
Nesting of boolean filters is also possible:
"query": { "match_all": {}},
"filters": {
"include": {
"and": [
{"range": { "price": {"gte": 100}}},
"or": [
{"term": {"color": "red"}},
{"term": {"color": "green"}}
Geolocation filters¶
With a geopoint
datatype, you can filter by a geo_distance
and geo_box
Distance filters¶
With a distance query, you can include/exclude documents being within a distance from a point. Query example:
"query": { "match_all": {}},
"filters": {
"include": {
"geo_distance": {
"field": "<field_name>",
"lat": 1.0,
"lon": 2.0,
"distance": "1 km"
Following distance units are supported:
- Millimeters:
- Centimeters:
- Meters:
- Kilometers:
- Inches:
- Feet:
- Yards:
- Miles:
Bounding box filters¶
With a bounding box query, you can include documents laying within a specific rectangle.
"query": { "match_all": {}},
"filters": {
"include": {
"geo_box": {
"field": "<field_name>",
"top_left": {"lat": 1.0, "lon": 2.0},
"bottom_right": {"lat": 3.0, "lon": 4.0}
Filters and lexical/semantic search¶
Nixiesearch relies on Lucene logic to handle filter execution:
- for lexical search include/exclude filters are fused together into a single Lucene query, doing filtering and ranking in a single pass.
- for semantic search filter behavior is selected at run-time based on filter coverage estimation.
Narrow filters (e.g. selecting only small amount of documents) are defined as pre-filters and executed before the query. Wide filters (e.g. selecting a lot of documents) are executed as post-filters after the main search query. This adaptive behavior is made for performance reasons.