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Query DSL

Nixiesearch has a Lucene-inspired query DSL with multiple search operators.

To search over a field, make sure that this field is marked as searchable in index mapping.

Search operators

Currently three search operators are supported:

All search operators can be combined with filters to search over a subset of documents.


Match query can be written in two JSON formats. A full version:

  "query": {
    "match": {
      "<field-name>": {
        "query": "<search-query>",
        "operator": "or",
        "threshold": 0.666
Or a shorter version:

  "query": {
    "match": {
      "<field-name>": "<search-query>"


  • <field-name>: is an existing field marked as searchable.
  • <search-query>: a search query string.
  • operator: optional, possible values: "and", "or". Default is "or". For lexical search, should documents contain all or some of the terms from the search query. For semantic search this parameter is ignored.
  • threshold: optional, a cosine similarity threshold


An operator similar to match but able to search multiple fields at once:

  "query": {
    "multi_match": {
      "fields": ["<field-name>", "<field-name>"],
      "query": "<search-query>",
      "operator": "and"


  • <field-name>: is an existing field marked as searchable.
  • <search-query>: a search query string.
  • operator: optional, possible values: "and", "or". For lexical search, should documents contain all or some of terms from the search query. For semantic search this parameter is ignored.

Compared to Lucene-based search engines, Nixiesearch does a RRF mixing of documents matched over different fields:

  1. At first pass, documents matching each separate field are collected.
  2. At next step N separate per-field search results are merged together into a single ranking.

This approach allows mixing search results made over multiple fields of different underlying search types, e.g. combining lexical and semantic search over N fields.


A search operator matching all documents in an index. Useful when combining with filters to search over a subset of documents.

  "query": {
    "match_all": {}

match_all operator has no parameters.