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Search request format

Search request format is similar to existing Lucene-based search engines:

  "query": {
    "match_all": {}
  "fields": ["title", "desc"],
  "size": 10,
  "aggs": {
    "color_counts": {"term": {"field": "color"}}
  "filters": {
    "include": {"term": {"field": "category", "value": "pants"}}

Where fields are:

  • query: required, a search query operator. See Query DSL for all supported values.
  • fields: optional (default: all stored fields), which document fields to return in the response payload. Note that these fields should be marked as store: true in index mapping.
  • size: optional (default: 10), number of documents to return
  • aggs: optional, facet aggregations, see Facets for more examples.
  • filters: optional, include/exclude filters to select a sub-set of documents for searching.