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Sorting search results

You can sort search results based on one or more sort predicates on fields marked as sortable (e.g. having a sort: true option in the index mapping). You can also reverse the sorting order, sort by document _score and also by document indexing order using field _doc.

As sorting by a specific field requires holding an in-memory DocValue data structure, by default all fields are not sortable. To make field sortable, add the sort: true option in the field configuration:

        type: double
        sort: true # by default all fields are non-sortable
        type: datetime
        sort: true
        type: text
        search: false
        sort: true

For the index mapping above you can use the following search request to sort by field values:

curl -XPOST /<index-name>/_search \
    -d '{
          "query": {"match_all": {}},
          "sort": [
            {"created_at": {"order": "asc"}},
            {"category": {"missing": "last"}}

A sorting predicate can be defined in two forms:

  • short: just a field name, with all the default options. Example:
      "sort": ["price", "color"]
  • full: a JSON object with non-default options:
      "sort": [
          "price": {
            "order": "asc",
            "missing": "last"

Sorting can be done over numeric, text and geopoint fields.

Sort order

For any non distance sorting predicate, the order option can have the following values:

  • desc: sort in descending order. Default value for _score field.
  • asc: sort in ascending order. Default value for other fields.

Distance sorting can only be done in the ascending order.

Missing values

In a case when a document field is not marked as required: true (Work-in-progress feature, see PR#482 for details), the position of such documents can be controlled with the missing option having two possible values:

  • {"missing": "last"} - the default behavior, all documents with missing field value are on the lowest position.
  • {"missing": "first"} - so all the documents without field are on the top.

Sorting numeric fields

Nixiesearch supports sorting over all numerical field types like int, float, long and double. Other semi-numeric field types can also be sorted:

  • date field is internally stored as a number of days from Unix epoch (1970-01-01), so it behaves as a regular int field.
  • datetime field is stored as millis from the start of epoch, so is semantically equals to a long field.
  • boolean field is mapped to 1 and 0 and also behaves as int field.

Sorting text fields

When a text field is marked as sorted, it is sorted lexicographically without any internal analysis and processing. The same field can be searchable and sortable, as internally these are two separate Lucene fields with different analysis pipelines:

  • search: true marked field uses a regular language specific analysis (e.g. ICU tokenization, stopwords removal, etc.)
  • sort: true field also creates an internal <field-name>$sort field with no analysis, so these two fields do not interfere.

Distance sorting

For geopoint fields it is possible to sort by distance from a specific point. With the following schema:

        type: geopoint
        sort: true # by default all fields are non-sortable

To sort documents by distance the following request can be used:

curl -XPOST /<index-name>/_search \
    -d '{
          "query": {"match_all": {}},
          "sort": [
              "location": { 
                "lat": 12.34,
                "lon": 56.78 

Distance sorting can only be done in the asc order (so from starting from the closest document), and missing values are always last.