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Supported URL formats

Nixiesearch configuration, index mapping and command-line options support passing URLs as locations.

For example, offline pull-based indexing from a local file has an --url parameter:

docker run -i -t -v <your-local-dir>:/data nixiesearch/nixiesearch:latest \
   index file --config /data/conf.yml --index <index name> \
   --url file:///data/docs.json

Nixiesearch supports following URL schemas:

Local files

An URL is treated as a local file, if: * it starts with a file:// schema prefix * it is a relative or absolute path like /home/user/file.json of just file.json * According to RFC 3986, Section 3.2.2 there should be either one (e.g. file:/path/some.json) or three slashes (e.g file:///path/some.json) in the prefix, but two slashes are also frequently used. Nixiesearch will handle 1, 2, and 3 slashes in the file URL.

HTTP locations

Both HTTP and HTTPS URL schemes are supported.

S3-compatible locations

S3-compatible URLs have the following format:


To pass non-URL S3 parameters like authentication and region, use ENV variables:

$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2

URLs in a config file

For a configuration file URL usage, you can also unfold the S3 URL into a YAML object, which has all the internal settings exposed:

          # path: s3://index-bucket/foo/bar
            bucket: index-bucket
            prefix: foo/bar
            region: us-east-1
            endpoint: http://localhost:8443/

URLs in command-line options

Also the nixiesearch CLI has an --endpoint parameter, so you can pass custom endpoint for all S3 URLs passed as cmdline parameters.

Decompression support

Nixiesearch also detects gz/bz2/zst compressed files (by their extension) and decompresses them on the fly. So you can also compress your source files to save space and bandwidth:

docker run -i -t -v <your-local-dir>:/data nixiesearch/nixiesearch:latest \
   index file --config /data/conf.yml --index <index name> \
   --url file:///data/docs.json.gz